Popup Notification for order placed and delivered for android users
under review
Raj Gupta
Please provide API for this notifications so that we can utilize in better way
Chill Chill
Any update
Wholesale House
#Pin Code based Product Listing - Emergency
Seller plz support this feature
posted by Me
Wholesale House
i request all vendors to
#Support this Feature -
pin code based Product listing
it help you to sell specific product in specific location aur all over india
Amazing Shop online shopping
Dear Shoopy, just like you have given the option of product return in the app, also give the option of product exchange so that the customer can return and exchange the product as per his wish and we can also know whether the customer wants to return or exchange the product. wants
Amazing Shop online shopping
प्रिय Shoopy आपने app में जैसे product रिटर्न का ऑप्शन दिया हुआ है वैसे ही product एक्सचेंज का ऑप्शन भी दीजिए ताकि कस्टमर अपने हिसाब से रिटर्न और एक्सचेंज कर सके प्रोडक्ट को और हमें भी पता चल सके कि कस्टमर product को रिटर्न करना चाहता है या एक्सचेंज करना चाहता है
Amit Kumar
under review